St Mellion Neighbourhood Plan
What is an NDP and why is it important?
A Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is a planning document created at Town or Parish level. An NDP is used along with the Cornwall Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to inform planning decisions. An NDP presents an opportunity for residents of the parish to impose additional criteria for any future planning applications and to provide for future proofing, improvement of infrastructure and protection of the environment and heritage of the parish.
The participation and engagement of the residents of St. Mellion Parish is essential for a robust NDP. A draft plan was formed based upon opinions, demographic information and evidence garnered from parishioners via a questionnaire which was issued to all households and collated in 2022. This was submitted to Cornwall Council for review in October 2023.
Having reviewed the draft plan, Cornwall Council suggested that the NDP be changed to a 'Neighbourhood Priority Statement', which is a simpler planning document, more suited to smaller parishes.
The NDP working party has been working on the NPS and have been able to submit a draft version (the first parish in Cornwall to do so) which is now going to form part of the pilot scheme for the NPS programme in Cornwall.
As the NPS develops further, this page will be populated with useful information and a copy of the draft NPS and there will be additional consultations and events for parishioners to engage with the process of developing the NPS. Once completed and approved by Cornwall Council, St. Mellion Neighbourhood Priority Statement will be ratified by referendum.
Anyone wishing to engage with the development of the NPS is very welcome to do so, please contact the Parish Clerk in the first instance.