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St Mellion Parish Council
Clapper Bridge over the River Lynher

Welcome to the St Mellion Parish Council Website

About St Mellion Parish Council 

St. Mellion Parish Council meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month in the Church Hall at St. Mellion. The agenda is posted on this website and on the parish noticeboards in the week prior to the meeting and the draft minutes of each meeting and ratified minutes of the previous meeting are put up on this website within ten days of the close of each meeting. 

Members of the public are very welcome to attend and address the council during the public session, or just sit and learn more about the parish and what the council does. If you have anything you want to say or a question you wish to ask, it is advisable to contact the Parish Clerk in the first instance, as they can often give you the information that you need straight away, or point you to someone who can.

The meeting dates for the current council year are as follows: 

The council is made up of six councillors who are subject to an election every four years, usually this occurs at the time of the general election. Councillors can also be elected or co-opted to the council in the event of a councillor stepping down before their term has expired. 

The Parish Council is administered by the Parish Clerk, who is the only employee of the council and the first contact for all enquiries. The Clerk is the legal advisor to the council and ensures that the council operates in accordance with the Local Government Act and other relevant legislation. The clerk is not a councillor and does not have a vote. The Parish Clerk works part time on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings and can be contacted using the details at the foot of this page.

St Mellion Parish Council Community Grant Scheme

St Mellion Parish Council has set up a ‘Community Grant Scheme’ using the £25k compensation payment received from the developers of the Newton Ferrers solar farm.

The scheme is intended to assist projects run by community and voluntary groups in St Mellion parish and can be used to support a range of activities (e.g. community facilities, local environment projects, etc.). Grants of £100 to £5,000 are available for individual projects and can be used to ‘match fund’ financial support from other sources.

For further information, please contact the Parish Clerk on 07878 368857 or

Planning Applications - the role of the Parish Council

Your local council serves as a community contact for the Planning Department of Cornwall Council. All registered planning applications relating to St. Mellion parish will be discussed at meetings of the council. Public comment is encouraged via the public session at meetings and/or via the online planning register on Cornwall Council's website.

The Parish Council is invited by Cornwall Council Planning Department to offer a local viewpoint and an opinion as to whether any given planning application is supported by the Parish Council on behalf of the local community. Please note that this opinion is not binding in any way and the Planning Department is under no obligation to heed the Parish Council advice.

You can find out more about the Parish Council role, access the online planning register and details of the planning process in general by visiting the 'Useful Links' page and clicking on 'Cornwall - planning'.

St. Mellion Parish Council is also working with the community to produce a 'Neighbourhood Development Plan'. You can find out more about this on the dedicated page for the NDP, which can be accessed by clicking on the link to the right of this page.

The Parish

St Mellion is located between Callington and Saltash in the east of Cornwall, between the Lynher and Tamar Rivers, and partly within the Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is one of the smallest parishes in Cornwall with a population of less than 408 and an area of 2,985 acres.

The parish economy is mainly agricultural although it is also home to St Mellion International Resort, an extensive golfing and leisure venue with four star accommodation and hospitality facilities.

St Mellion has a primary school, a church, a methodist chapel and a village pub called the Coryton Arms.

The Parish Council has six Councillors (including a Chair and Vice Chair) plus a Parish Clerk.

If you have any enquiries about Parish Council matters, please contact the Clerk using the details at the foot of this page. Please note that standard ‘office hours’ are afternoons on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

If you use Facebook and you want to find out more about events and news for St. Mellion, please look up the 'St. Mellion & Pillaton Hub'.

Thank you for visiting.
