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St Mellion Parish Council


Any documents listed below can be downloaded as pdf files and are also available on application to the Parish Clerk. Information provided is correct at time of going to press but no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused due to the use of this information.

Policies and Procedures

Code of Conduct

Standing Orders

Financial Regulations

Publication Scheme

Policy for discussions with developers in pre-app planning stages

Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

Complaints Policy

Dignity at Work Policy

IT & Cyber Security Policy

Financial and Audit

Annual Return ye 31.03.2024 Certificate of Exemption

Annual Return ye 31.03.2024 Internal Audit Report

Annual Return ye 31.03.2024 Governance Statement

Annual Return ye 31.03.2024 Accounting Statement

Annual Return ye 31.03.2024 Explanation of Variances

Annual Return ye 31.03.2024 Bank Reconciliation

Annual Return ye 31.03.2023 Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Annual Return ye 31.03.2023 External Audit Report

Annual Return ye 31.03.2023 Explanation of Variances

Annual Return ye 31.03.2023 Bank Reconciliation

Annual Return ye 31.03.2023 Internal Audit Report

Annual Return ye 31.03.2023 Accounting Statements

Annual Return ye 31.03.2023 Annual Governance Statement

Annual Return ye 2022 Certificate of Exemption

Annual Return ye 2022 Explanation of Variances

Annual Return ye 2022 Bank Reconciliation

Annual Return ye 2022 Internal Audit Report

Annual Return ye 2022 Section 1 Annual Governance Statement

Annual Return ye 2022 Section 2 Accounting Statements

Annual Return ye 31.3.21 Explanation of High Reserves

Annual Return ye 31.3.21 Explanation of Variances

Annual Return ye 31.3.21 Bank Reconciliation

Annual Return ye 31.3.21 Internal Audit Report

Annual Return ye 31.3.21 sections 1 & 2

Annual Return ye 31.03.2020 Variance Analysis

Annual Return ye 31.03.2020 Bank Reconciliation

Annual Return ye 31.03.2020 Internal Audit Report

Annual Return ye 31.03.2020 Certificate of Exemption

Annual Return ye 31.03.2020 Accounting Statement

Annual Return ye 31.03.2020 Governance Statement

Annual Return ye 31.3.19 Variance Analysis

Annual Return ye 31.3.19 Bank Reconciliation

Annual Return ye 31.3.19 Internal Audit Report

Annual Return ye 31.3.19 AGAR Exemption Certificate

Annual Return 31.3.19 AGAR Accounting Statements

Annual Return ye 31.3.19 AGAR Accounting Governance


Notice for Exercise of Public Rights for year end 2024 Annual Audit